I'm coming to this late (I come to everything late: full-time mummy + full-time job = not a lot of zen for this mummy, recently), but in a lovely moment of synchronicity I happened upon A Living Family's Parenting Challenge Week.
It's exactly what I need right now. It's taken a while (more than a few months, no less) to work out the tricky balance between looking after the zen babes and keeping my head above water work-wise. I've gone under a few times ~ I've skimmed a few deadline by the kin of my teeth, and I've not been the paragon of peaceful mummyness that I would have liked [read: screaming harpy] ~ but this week the schedule is slightly more manageable.
I've been listening to a wonderful hypnosis download ~ Overwhelmed Mother ~ which has helped to smooth some of the rougher times. But still, there have been many occasions recently when the pace of life has left me breathless, and many other occasions when the demands (the constant, constant demands) of caring for two littlies feels suffocating.
So, I'll be remembering to breathe. I'll take the time to breathe a little extra calm into our days, find a little bit of space to soothe the frazzled nerves, and show my girls that you can create calm in even the most chaotic of days.
Join in. It's going to be lovely.